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What Age is it OK to Start Powerlifting?
If you’re a new parent, and you love powerlifting (or if you’re quite young, and are reading this article wondering if you’re ready to start

What Does the Life of a Powerlifter Look Like?
The life of a powerlifter does not pay very well. It doesn’t draw in many numbers, there aren’t any major TV productions, and it’s tough

Moringa: Powerhouse For Powerlifters
Moringa Oleifera is a tropical plant. Originally from the foot of the Himalayas, it is now growing in large parts of the tropics. In many

How to Squat: My Personal Guide
Legs are absurdly strong if you think about it. Most people’s squats are not limited by how much force they can produce through their legs,

My Personal Overhead Press Guide
I would say that objectively, the coolest lift is the overhead press. A strict press requires a ton of power, upper body strength, and while

How to Bench Press: My Personal Guide
The bench press is the ultimate bro exercise, and it’s pretty much the one barbell movement most gymgoers are familiar with. While the squat ranks

How to Deadlift: My Personal Guide
I’ve described before that the deadlift feels like home to me, thanks to relatively long arms and a natural affinity for pulling. That doesn’t mean

Programming Primer for Powerlifting
When you first start lifting, you’re likely going to be horribly lost in all the information you have to absorb. Unless you’re lucky enough to

Intermittent Fasting And Strength Training (USA)
Intermittent fasting is probably the best way to lose weight. Excess body fat is best released by providing good insulin sensitivity and good energy metabolism

Deload: It’s Okay to Take It Easy
The hardest thing about lifting isn’t programming, or eating right, or even the lifting itself. It’s the consistency. Anyone can, if they really put their

Useful Calisthenics for Powerlifting
Calisthenics and powerlifting feel like they’re on opposite ends of a strength spectrum. One has you using objects to move your body, while the other

Music or No Music for Training?
You could probably separate most lifters into two camps: those who train with earbuds, and those who train without. I’ve spent many weeks where every