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Why You Need All Squat Variations
As with a lot of other programming and technique posts, I’m not writing this article specifically to address late intermediate or advanced lifters. If you

Wedge Your Deadlift
The deadlift is probably my favorite out of the big three, and it’s one of those lifts where people really have a lot of trouble

Mobility Drills to Prime Your Squat
Many people blame weak or tight hamstrings for squat issues, but this is rarely true. The squat, both as a resting position and as a

Eating for Lifting: When and Why
You are what you eat – literally. Our body is composed more than just part of the food we consume, and much of what we

Hot Bath or Ice Bath for Recovery?
Using an ice bath for recovery or getting into a long hot sauna session have been go-to recovery tools for athletes for a long time,

Does Sexual Activity Affect Lifting?
It’s a pretty common myth, surprisingly – the worry among male athletes that being with a woman might pull the strength out of their legs,

I Use A Foam Roller. Should You?
The foam roller is either the subject of great ridicule or reverence. Some people say it’s absolutely the best thing since sliced bread, and others

Why Sleep Is So Incredibly Important
There are two kinds of people – the kind who love to sleep early, and the kind who love to sleep in. Every once in

Should Powerlifters Train Slow-Twitch Fibers?
There are plenty of misconceptions in the world of lifting. If you’ve spent any amount of time interested in this sport, you’ll have come to

You Need to Train Your Upper Back
The squat is often seen as a leg exercise, but your quads and hammies are just a single part in a larger equation. To move

What is Conjugate Training?
There are a million ways to lift a barbell, but only very few effectively allow you to increase your strength and proficiency in the big

Why You Should Start Lifting While Cutting
I’ve had several skinny fat friends ask me if they should lose weight before they start training. Others wanted to know how they could quickly