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I Pick Super Strength: What the Gym Means to Me
I played a game with my friends this weekend, where we pick answers to different questions and send each other a little test to see

Weightlifting vs. Powerlifting: Key Differences
In the iron game, I personally would argue that there are four dominant sports: powerlifting, weightlifting, strongman, and bodybuilding. While bodybuilding is not a sport

Can I Get Ripped While Powerlifting?
Let’s get the obvious part out of the way: hell yeah, you can get ripped while powerlifting. If your definition of ripped is that of

Training at Home During the Coronavirus Quarantine
With COVID-19 hitting the world hard everywhere, many countries have instated coronavirus quarantines and urged people to stay at home. Many gyms have closed and

What Supplements Should I Take for Powerlifting?
In the sport of powerlifting, any advantage you can get to add another kilo to your competition total is welcomed. That might include supplements to

What Are the Main Powerlifting Movements?
Powerlifting is a strength sport of three basic movements – the squat, the bench press, and the deadlift. These are powerlifting movements performed in gyms

Keep Lifting During the Coronavirus Pandemic?
Let’s get some things out of the way. I’m not an epidemiologist, a medical expert, a sports scientist, a doctor, or anything even remotely similar

How to Start Powerlifting at Home
If you’ve thought about setting up a gym to start powerlifting at home, but aren’t sure what to buy and look for – especially if

Can You Gain Size from Powerlifting?
When a person first starts powerlifting seriously, it’s obvious that they want to get strong. But a lot of people also want to gain size

What is Deadlifting Good For?
The deadlift is the most metal lift of all. It’s the lift that requires you to be ‘on’ far more than any other lift. And

What are the Health Benefits of Powerlifting?
If you’ve spent any time reading some of these posts, you’ll know that I love powerlifting. I love lifting weights to such a degree that

Can You Bench Press with a Shoulder Injury?
A shoulder injury is one of the more common injuries in powerlifting. It’s also a common injury among weightlifters, tennis players, wrestlers, swimmers, baseball and