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Leg Calisthenics for Powerlifters
When it comes to calisthenics training, there’s no shortage of pull and push exercises. Beginners and masters alike can amuse themselves with countless pushup and

Pull Up Variations for Powerlifting
Despite the pull-up being far removed from the usual heavyweight iron culture of most powerlifting gyms, it’s a staple in nearly any lifter’s program, much

Pushups for Powerlifting – Progressions at Home
The pushup is the quintessential resistance exercise. Perhaps not in terms of effectiveness, but certainly in terms of reputation. It’s a dead-simple exercise and can

Do Powerlifters Eat a Lot? Powerlifting Diet Advice
Powerlifters eat what they need to eat based on the goals they’ve set for themselves. While a powerlifting diet is often either misconstrued to somehow

Do You Have to Compete to Be A Powerlifter?
The sport of powerlifting is one where competitors can choose to compete in a variety of weight, age, and equipment classes, and through a variety

16 Best Accessory Exercises for Deadlifts
The deadlift is the king of exercises for most raw lifters, in the sense that if you don’t pay your dues and bow before the

14 Best Accessory Exercises for Bench Press
Lifters either have a love or hate relationship with the bench press. Some people are gifted with the leverages and natural strength needed to press

10 Best Accessory Exercises for Squats
In the sport of powerlifting, the squat and deadlift put the most kilos into your powerlifting total. Yet while practicing your competition squats is the

Great Accessory Exercises for Powerlifting
While powerlifting is a sport of just three lifts, and most powerlifters (especially beginners) spend most of their training time on the big three, accessory

Can You Do Powerlifting with Dumbbells?
Powerlifting is a sport that relies on a 20kg barbell, at least 2.20m in length, with a diameter of 28-29mm. Some federations use longer and/or

Are Powerlifters Stronger Than Bodybuilders?
It’s an age-old question that many beginners ask themselves – if part of getting stronger is having bigger muscles, why is it that powerlifters are

What Injuries Can You Get from Squatting?
Yes, you can get injuries from squatting. That doesn’t make squats bad for your knees, your back, or your body. Just to set the record