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Are Powerlifting Shoes Worth It?
Are powerlifting shoes a thing? Sort of. Powerlifting shoes exist in the context that some shoes are better for powerlifting than others, but for the

Powerlifting for Ectomorphs and Hard Gainers
I’ll be honest, I think body types are pretty stupid. The three major “somatotypes” are based on the outdated musings of a 1940s American psychologist

What is Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 Powerlifting Program?
If good programming is a lifter’s bread and butter, then Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 is sourdough and grass-fed ghee. I wouldn’t say it’s the best program

How Long Does It Take to Build Muscle?
Our capacity to build muscle tissue is, in terms of its potential for remodeling, adaptation, and change, endlessly fascinating. Our muscles adapt to resistance training

Here’s How You Start Powerlifting
If you’re interested in the sport of powerlifting and want to start powerlifting, it helps to make some friends in the weight room. The first

Picking a Powerlifting Program for Mass
At first, you’d be led to believe that the key to be a great powerlifter is strength alone. But most powerlifters can tell you that

What Injuries Can You Get from Deadlifting?
Injury prevalence is higher among the deadlift than any other lift, yet studies on injuries are quite low for deadlifting, versus squatting or bench pressing.

Bodybuilding and Powerlifting Differences
Let’s get the rivalry out of the way. Yes, bodybuilders are big while powerlifters are strong. But have you noticed that many bodybuilders are strong,

What Should I Eat to Build Muscle?
The human body is really complicated. It relies on redundancies, fail-safes, and countless mechanisms to survive. Unlike, say, most man-made machines, which typically rely on

How to Bench Press Without Shoulder Pain
Shoulder and rotator cuff pain is the most frequent upper body pain a powerlifter can encounter, matched by lower back pain and knee pain for

Why are Front Squats Harder Than Back Squats?
Front squats are a tougher variation of the back squat, with the barbell held in a “front rack” position resting on the lifter’s anterior deltoids.

Deadlift Alternatives at Home
The deadlift is an exercise that’s explicitly made effective with heavy weight, and there are few true deadlift alternatives. Heavy weight, in this case, is