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Still In Lockdown – What’s Next?
This blog was meant to feature more personal content, including training logs, opinion pieces, and eventually even some guest content. But COVID-19 threw a wrench

How Many Times a Week Should Powerlifters Train?
The average powerlifting program caters to a three-day split. Beginners are generally asked to hit the gym thrice a week, usually with a day’s rest

How To Build Strength And Agility
The sport of powerlifting is defined by the most weight lifted in three movements. Agility is meaningless to a “powerlifter”. But if someone pursues powerlifting

Should I Train and Lift While Fasting?
In short, no. The thing about fasted training is that there is no evidence suggesting it has any benefits. There is little training and/or fat

Who Invented Modern Powerlifting?
The history of modern powerlifting can be traced back to Bob Hoffman, owner of the famous York Barbell Company, who financed the first unofficial weightlifting

Will Powerlifting Ever Be an Olympic Sport?
Powerlifting, not Paralympic powerlifting (a single-discipline variant for the Paralympics), is currently not an Olympic sport. There are several reasons for this. I’m not going

What are Common Powerlifting Injuries?
Statistically, powerlifting injuries occur less often than weightlifting injuries among regularly training and competing athletes, and far less often than contact sport injuries (from football

When to Use Deloads in Powerlifting
A deload is a scheduled week (or more) off from regular training. Most deloads don’t have you stay out of the gym entirely, but instead,

Powerlifting When Sick
As a general rule of thumb, I advise you to avoid powerlifting when sick. Sure, getting your training hours in is important, but if you

What Powerlifting Weight Class Should I Be In?
The powerlifting weight class you should be in corresponds to the heaviest you can be while being as lean as you can comfortably get. Most

Can Powerlifting Stunt Growth?
It’s a common myth, and one with no evidence behind it. No, powerlifting does not stunt growth. I’ll say it once and for all, and

What Are Powerlifting Belts Good For?
If you’ve ever watched a powerlifter train or compete, you’ll have noticed that they wear very thick and large belts. These belts are typically 10