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Utilizing Tempo and Speed for Home Workouts
No, we’re not talking about agility training or doing cardio (yuck). All kidding aside, tempo and speed may be useful ways to spice up your

Does It Matter How You Sit? Back Pain and Lifting
I’ll be the first to admit that I lack the data for it, but I’m willing to go on a limb and assume that most

What to Do When You’re Out of Motivation to Train
I’ve been in quarantine for nearly 13 weeks. I haven’t left the house in that time. That’s almost three months spent within the same four

Powerlifting Progressions for Pull Ups
You will find pull ups in many powerlifting programs. Pull ups are an easy and universal way to train the muscles of the back, as

5 Simple Powerlifting Recovery Strategies
I don’t typically go for titles like these, but I feel like powerlifting recovery is one my pet topics insofar that I find it’s fairly

Heel or No Heel? Squatting in Flats vs. Squat Shoes
When we’re comparing shoes to squat in, us powerlifters only have two options: flats, and squat shoes (heeled shoes, or weightlifting shoes). This is because

Is Powerlifting Useful in Everyday Life?
Powerlifting can be useful in everyday life, within the right context. The caveat is that to get good at powerlifting, you need to sacrifice time

Why Are Powerlifters So Big?
If you’re new to the sport of powerlifting, you might have noticed that a lot of top powerlifters aren’t exactly “in shape”. Top-level powerlifters are

Should You Use Caffeine for Every Workout?
An estimated 85% of Americans consume caffeine in some shape or form, and America isn’t even close to the world’s per capita leader in caffeine

How Athletes Can Benefit from Powerlifting
Nearly every athlete can benefit from powerlifting. Not only does a stronger body last longer and prevent injury, but it lets you take tasks in

What is a Respectable Powerlifting Total?
A powerlifting total is the best and simplest measurement of a lifter’s performance. To those who take this sport seriously, the ultimate goal of every

Is Powerlifting Good for Your Body?
I love powerlifting. But I will be the first to acknowledge that it can be a dangerous sport. The keyword here being can. Inherently, powerlifting